Saturday, December 21, 2024

Singing At Christmas Through the Years

Adams, Tennessee - Year 2007 - We are singing for the Christmas Parade and Events on the Grounds that Year.   L to R: Wayne, Connie, Denny, Marilyn, Beverly, Mark, and Cathy

 J. Mark Lowe

From the time I was a small boy, I remember singing with my family.  It was common for my neighbors, E. W. 'Dutch' and Geneva Armstrong to come over in the evening and we would gather to sing.  It was normal for us to sing acapella - since we all attended the Cedar Hill Church of Christ - where we sang acapella all the time. Dutch had a beautiful deep bass voice and enjoyed singing anytime.   His brother, Doug, was one of the song leaders at the church, and he could lead us through some wonderful songs and hymns we all enjoyed.   His daughter, Marilyn, was always a part of our family.   She was an only child, and since their was 5 of us and only one girl (Bev) we added a soprano to our group.  It has confused many of the folks Marilyn has worked with over the years, when she refers to her little brothers.  (Duh - I thought you were an only child?)  

Our Dad, J. W. , occasionally led the singing at church, but always was ready to get our family singing started.  Mom enjoyed participating, but tended to be one of the quieter voices.  At times, other folks would join us in our family singings.  There were times that we stayed after services had ended at the church building so we had room for all to sing along. Music has always been a part of our lives. My parents would sing the songs of their youth.   My Mom enjoyed telling me that she loved to hear the group Ink Spots sing - "I don't want to set the World on Fire...., I just want to start a flame in your heart!" which was a hit in 1941.

I feel very connected to my family when we are singing.  Since my parents are gone, and one of my brothers is gone - the chances to sing together come less often.   

Take some time over the next few weeks to sing a song with your kids, grandkids, neighbors, friends or anyone else that will sing with you. It seems like only yesterday that I was singing in the Annual School Christmas Program at Cedar Hill Elementary School  We were in the auditorium upstairs. On that year in 1963, I remember that we sang “Away, in the Manger” and another song with an older group. The sixth-grade students, taught by Mrs. Marion Martin, played two Christmas selections on their flutes. This was very impressive to all of us in the first grade. My older brother, Denny, would have been in the seventh grade that year. I’m sure he sang with his class, but I don’t remember their performance that year, because I was so nervous. Our class sat in chair in front of the stage, while the older classes came onto the stage for their performances.

On the night of the performance, there was a large Christmas tree on the stage  and the auditorium was filled. I remember several of the older students playing Christmas songs on the piano during the evening.  I know I was focused on our songs.  My parents; my sister, Beverly; my brother, Wayne, and of course, my brother, Denny were there for our Christmas extravaganza. Our big brother, Joe, was home from college and came to our big show.  It seemed to me that everyone I knew from Cedar Hill was in the auditorium. It was a wonderful evening, and I can remember that we were all smiling and laughing from the fun and fellowship. 

Try to attend some musical events during this season - remember that the memories created on that moment will last a lifetime.  Share your stories, and let someone know what your favorite songs or hymns are - and share a line of two. 

Somewhere there is a video of the crew pictured above singing at the Magnolia Chapel in Sadlersville for a Christmas Event.  I looked for the video, but since it is the shortest day of the year - I didn't have time to find it.   Perhaps, it will show up at another time.    

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